The Pure Gold Company has gathered the numbers and they are clear: gold outperformed all other asset classes since 2000, despite being known primarily as a “safe haven” investment.
Gold vs shares
Gold and shares can both be attractive options for investment. However, while the rewards from shares can be big, they come with big risks. Gold is about long-term security and protection against uncertainty.
Gold vs property
Property and gold are often both considered “safe” investments, that for the most part do not follow the fluctuations of high-risk alternatives such as the stock market. So which one is best for safeguarding wealth in an uncertain world?
Gold vs cash in the bank
For more than a decade interest rates have been at extreme lows, and holding cash in the bank generated little to no interest. Even as interest rates have begun to rise, rampant inflation is still eroding any cash in the bank. The liquidity advantages of easy access cash are largely replicated with gold, and it’s not guaranteed to lose value like cash.
Gold vs bitcoin
For more than a decade interest rates have been at extreme lows, and holding cash in the bank generated little to no interest. Even as interest rates have begun to rise, rampant inflation is still eroding any cash in the bank. The liquidity advantages of easy access cash are largely replicated with gold, and it’s not guaranteed to lose value like cash.
Discover all there is to know about buying gold for investment
Our free Investor Guide will reveal:
- How to invest in gold
- Timing & pricing considerations
- Our buy back guarantee
Discover all there is to know about buying gold for investment
Our free Investor Guide will reveal:
- How to invest in gold
- Timing & pricing considerations
- Our buy back guarantee
Why choose
the Pure Gold Company?
- Reputable & fully accredited
- Buy-back guarantee
- Fully certified metal
- Free delivery or storage
- Customer focussed
- No hidden charges
- 5 star independent reviews
We’re available to discuss any questions you may have by telephone or a visit to our London offices at 1 Royal Exchange.
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